Gulliver's Travels: Part 1, Chapter 6 - Summary

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      In this chapter, Gulliver has given a brief account of the Lilliputians and their customs along with his own way of living. The author has described the average size of Lilliputians to be somewhat under six inches. The height of all the plants and animals has also been described as being in the same proportion.

      They wrote aslant from one corner of the paper to the other. They buried their dead with their heads directly downwards and believed that the dead would rise again when the earth turned upside down.

      Some laws and customs were also very peculiar. If an accused person was able to prove his innocence then the accuser was immediately put to death and the innocent person recompensed out of his money and property. Morality was considered as a better quality than ability. Children were educated in public nurseries. The children of nobles had separate nurseries. There were separate nurseries for male and female children. Parents could visit their children only twice a year but not show any fondling expression. Only cottagers and laborers kept their children at home as they did not require formal education.

      Good conduct was rewarded by the justice as bad was punished. Anyone who could prove his good conduct for 73 moons was liable to receive certain privileges from the court and the title of ‘Snilpall’. Gulliver observed them as a race of meticulous and mathematically inclined people.

      The emperor visited Gulliver for dinner. Gulliver had 300 cooks at his service. Flimnap, the treasurer, instigated the emperor to dismiss Gulliver immediately as his expenses were becoming unbearable for the economy By this time, the emperor had started losing interest in Gulliver due to constant poisoning of his ears by a junto of ministers. Gulliver restored the reputation of the wife of Flimnap, when she was accused of having a strong and violent affection for Gulliver.

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