Ram Mohan Roy || Writing in Indian English Literature

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      The Renaissance of modern Bengali literature begin with Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Born in a village (Radha Nagar) in Bengal on 22nd May 1772, Rammohan died at bristal on 27th September 1833. He mustard a number of languages at a young age Sanskrit, Persian, Arabia, Hindustani and of course his own mother tongue Bengali. After journey within and outside India he served under two British officials Woodford and Dighy, and this association was very significant because Rammohan achieved his history over the English language by working with them. However Ram Mohan left the company service and settled in Kolkata. He started a "Atmiya Sabha" and launched himself to restore the consciousness of the "Kolkata Society". The next few year were of activities tireless endeavours and often controversies with Christian and Hindus. The plight of windows, the darkness of superstitions, the envelope of ignorance and the general backwardness of the country all of these stirred Rammohan to action. He took up the duty of a social reformer and started fighting against the social evils.

Rammohan was one of the pioneering social reformers of colonial India. As a result, he had written quite a few essays on the topic of social reformation
Raja Ram Mohan Roy

      However as a student of literature, our focus is on the literary aspects and not the social aspects. As on early prose written in Indian English Rammohan position remains challenging. He regarded as the pre-eminent promoter of indian english writing. At the beginning Rammohan plunged into journalism and edited periodicals in three languages Brahminical magazine in English Sambad Kaumudi in Bengali and Mirat ul Akhbar in Persian. Rammohan had written extensively and his writing have been edited by Kalidas Nag and Debajyoti Burman under the title - "English works of Raja Ram Mohan Roy" amount is English words there as many as 25 original passage on various subjects. The earliest of his writings on religion were in the form of translations - An Abridgement of the Vedant and Upanishads. Rammohan first original essay in English is "A defence of Hindu Theism" This was followed by a second Defence of the Monotheistical system of the Vedas written in reply to an apology for the present state of Hindu worship. There after Rammohan completed the essay - "Precepts of Jesus" the guides to peace and happiness.

      Rammohan was one of the pioneering social reformers of colonial India. As a result, he had written quite a few essays on the topic of social reformation. His protest against widow burning maybe understood from his essay - "A Conference between an Advocate and in opponent of the practices of the burning widows alive". In his brief remarks regarding modern elements Rammohan reveals how Hindu laws have been misinterpreted to deny women the equal right to inheritance. His famous "Letters on English Education" is documented of great importance and maybe regarded as the manifesto of the Indian Renaissance.

      Among his political writings, reference maybe made to the "Two Petitions against the press regulations" drafted by him and signed by him self in his supports. Again Rammohan, "Exposition of the the practical operation of judicial and revenue system of India" represents the evidence given by him before a parliamentary select committee in London. It contains Rammohan's view on administrative reforms and is remarkable for its protest against economic condition of India under the rule of East Indian Company.

      During the last few years of his life Rammohan wrote A short autobiographical sketch at the request of his friend. Although its authenticity has been questioned it is still regarded to be the first specimen of autobiographical writing in Indian English literature. The species which was later popularise by Nehru and Nirad c Chaudhari. Rammohan's writings obviously belong to the category of literacy of knowledge. Yet he is a master of a distinguish english prose style. His style is almost parallel to that of Edmust Books, although it does not possess the English masters, colours and splendor. Nevertheless clear thinking soundness of judgements comprehensive view and legal arguments are the outstanding features of Rammohan prose style.

      Thus Rammohan Roy is regarded to be pioneering prose writer of significance in Indian English literature. His prose writings acted as an impetuous to the growth and development of the Indian English prose that we notice much later.

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