The Lotus Eater: as A Good Short Story

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      A good short story is composed by writers who are extremely gifted and talented. They produced in their writings some of the most profound experiences of human affairs. Any good story has a single story element in it whereby, the plot moves with a single incident treated in it. That story producers in the mind readers some true and genuine current of thought, whereby the readers fully get the opportunity to know the the inherent essence of philosophy, lively elements and the the perspective of the author. Sometimes any good short story definitely of the producers the high philosophical impact on the mind of a readers. The something came to be said for Maugham's story also.

William Somerset Maugham story The Lotus Eater is about a man and one aspect of his character. It is peculiar choice of Thomas Wilson for a life of indolence and pleasure in the natural scenery of capri with an aunty for 25 years at the age of of 35.
The Lotus Eater

      William Somerset Maugham story The Lotus Eater is about a man and one aspect of his character. It is peculiar choice of Thomas Wilson for a life of indolence and pleasure in the natural scenery of capri with an aunty for 25 years at the age of of 35. That is the subject matter of the story which finally related Wilson's tragic end essay result of that total choice. As a short story The Lotus Eater symbolically tells the story of the failure to slave in the world of imagination. The story shows how Thomas Wilson's dreams and desires get frustrated and how the tragic end of Wilson gives rise to feelings of pity and admiration.

      Thus the short story has a deep symbolic hidden meaning the story novelty of theme, peculiarity of the character of Thomas Wilson for its symmetrical pattern and for its dramatic end. The short story embodies a common mode and a common of life. It is tragic tell of a man who makes a wrong choice from worldly point of view but whose choice for a life of case and indolence in the beauties of nature, strikes common chord in the heart of all.

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