The Character of Lady Assunta in The Lotus Eater

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      There are in many good short stories, some major and minor characters found. The author of a short story constantly tries to give impression of the stories positive and negative energy, typified by those major and minor characters. In the short story also there are two principal characters. Thomas Wilson and the Narrator, that is the author himself. These two major characters vividly portray the central symbolism of the short story. The Lotus Eater side by side there is a minor character, a female whose name is lady Assunta. A lady of middle age who apparently seems highly in significance in the story, but actually she plays act a vital role she performs an impressive role in the short story.

There are in many good short stories, some major and minor characters found. The author of a short story constantly tries to give impression of the stories positive and negative energy, typified by those major and minor characters.
The Lotus Eater

      Assunta is the wife of the owner of the house where Wilson takes his refuge. She does the cooking and cleaning but her character shines in contrast with her husband. In the miserable days of Thomas Wilson she allow him to stay a tension free at last for sometime and provided her house for a rent. When Wilson lay unconscious in bed without any kind of food and water, attempted suicide, it lady Assunta who ultimately take care of that wretched person. She takes into hospital and he recovers there from his illness. But ultimately Thomas Wilson loses his mental balance.

      It is in this way, that this minor character does not best to receive the pain of Wilson by offering him her genuine service, lady Assunta play a most interesting and tasting contribution to the principal character of the story The Lotus Eater.

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