The Rape of The Lock: Lines 327-334 - Summary

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Lines: 327-334. Behold, four kings.....the velvet plain

      Summary: Having told us how Belinda engaged singly in a game at Ombre against two antagonists. Pope in these lines, in the mock-heroic style of the epic, introduces a description of the cards. They form a bright band as they appear for battle on the green field; four kings in awe inspiring splendor with grey mustaches and forked beards; four beautiful queens, each holding a flower in the hand as a clear symbol or indication of their softer influence; four knaves with their long robes tucked up about their waists, a reliable group, with caps on their heads and pole-axes in their hands, arid other troops of mixed colors. It may be remarked that the court cards of Pope's time were figured precisely as were those used in England until comparatively lately when the ugly but convenient fashion of double-headed kings, queens and knaves came up.

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