Lord Jim: Chapter 14 - Summary & Analysis

Also Read

The Judgement of the Court, Disgrace and Chester's Offer


      Marlow tells his listeners that he asked Jim to disappear and not face the trial with the assistance of three hundred rupees (including Brierly's). Rest of the members did that, the skipper had fled from the sight and both the engineers were hospitalized and therefore, it was not fair for Jim to face the court, all alone, but Jim answered that his conscience would not let him be at peace, he won't succumb to one more act of cowardice.

      The court decided to revoke the certificates of the members involved in abandoning the 'Patna' because of their utter neglect of duty, that is, deserting the ship when it was in a perilous condition. After the end of this final session of court, Marlow wanted to meet Jim but he failed to locate Jim. At that time, Chester appeared there and showed his plan of exploring an island Guano which was as good and full of wealth as gold. He then told him about his offer to Jim, that he would like to take Jim along as manager during his exploration. Chester wanted Marlow to talk to Jim but Marlow told him that he would not give this offer to Jim on his behalf.

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