Explain The Title of Short Story The Lotus Eater

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      Homer in his Odyssey gives a vivid description of the Lotus land. It is a land of complete leisure sensuous and indolent enjoyment. Mythological in Lotus Eater are those inhabitants who lived by eating the magical Lotus, dreaming a life of complete worklessness at the end of the Trojan War, in book 11 of Odyssey. Ulysses king of Ithaca wondered through the the seas and reached on the 10th day the land of The Lotus Eater.

Maugham's story deals with a modern Lotus Eater, Thomas Wilson and his Lotus land is capri.
The Lotus Eater

      Maugham's story deals with a modern Lotus Eater, Thomas Wilson and his Lotus land is capri. Wilson lived a lonely humdrum life, was a bank manager. But the beauty of capri had so much in reached him that he made an unusual choice, Thomas Wilson resigned his job collected his assets and brought and an annuity for 25 years. Wilson come to capri took a small peasants cottage and began to live there in complete enjoyment of the beauties and pleasures of life there.

      Just life the mariners of Ulysses he had eaten the fruit of the Lotus land, which is capri and is gradually sink into complete forgetfulness about the future. But ultimately Thomas Wilson had to face the reality which offered him nothing but sadness hopelessness depression and despair. The experience which Thomas Wilson undertook had ultimately made no difference at all and Wilson had to live the life of a wretched fellow. He had high romantic dreams but all were vanished into thin air. Thus concerning the worthless life of ease an idleness Thomas Wilson proves ultimate worthy to be called an inhabitants of modern Lotus land. The title here proves very significant and appropriate.

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