A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day: Stanza. 1 to 8 - Summary

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      Stanza 1. It was through the "music of spheres" (harmony) that the universe came into existence. In the beginning 'Nature lay under the burden of conflicting elements and could not raise her head. The musical words of a voice from heaven were heard by Nature, this voice commanded the inert nature to arise. At the bidding of this voice the different elements of nature, occupied their respective position in the universe. The music of spheres ran through its entire gamut (range) and culminated in the creation of Man.

      Stanza 2. Music can excite and pacify all strong human emotions. When Jubal (a great musician mentioned in the Bible) played on his lyre, the members of the audience were wonder-struck. They knelt before the lyre in order to worship the divine music produced by it. They thought that the lyre was the abode of a god who dwelt in the hollow of the lyre, and who had such a sweet musical voice.

      Stanza 3. The loud sound of a trumpet excites the soldier to fight. It instigates the soldier with its shrill angry music as well as by sounding a dreadful warning of danger. The resounding of a military drum informs the soldier that the enemy is coming. It also instigates him to attack the enemy, adding that it is too late to renounce position in the battlefield.

      Stanza 4. The soft and mournful music of the flute with gradually fading strains reveals the sorrows of the disappointed lovers. The music of the lute gives expression to the lament of such lovers.

      Stanza 5. The shrill and piercing music of the violins declares the pain and recklessness of jealous lovers - their rage, and uncontrollable anger. The profundity of pain and height of love felt by lovers for the scornful sweetheart are also expressed by the music of violins.

      Stanza 6. But no art nor any human voice can do justice to the sacred music of the Organ.

      The strains of the Organ inspire in the hearts of listeners, love for god. The music of the Organ ascends to heaven and sets an example of excellence for the angels singing in praise of God there (in heaven).

      Stanza 7. Orpheus (the Greek musician) could attract savage beasts (with the music of his lyre). Even trees would follow the music of his lyre, by leaving the soil in which they stood rooted. But bright Cecilia performed a greater miracle than that of Orpheus. When a sacred song was sung to the accompaniment of music of the Organ, an angel heard it. He at once left for the earth mistaking it for heaven.

      Stanza 8. Just as through the power of holy songs, the different planets began to move and produce a heavenly music, singing the praise of God which was heard by all the angels and blessed spirits in heaven; similarly when on the Day of Judgment this Universe would be destroyed, and when the dead would rise from their graves and the living would die, the music of the trumpet would destroy the harmony; which is the unifying principle of the universe.

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