Hyperion: Book 1 Line 54-60 - Summary & Analysis

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O wherefore sleepest.....thine hoary majesty (Book I, Lines 54-60).


      These words of Thea, addressed to the fallen Saturn speak of the utterly hopeless and meaningless situation in which Saturn has been made to fall. A king of the universe once, the final controller over heaven, earth and sea, has been subjected to that extremity of humiliation in which even the earth refuses to accept his identity. The air is no longer full of Saturn’s hoary majesty.

Critical Analysis

      Keats has made Saturn look so pathetic and miserable that it seems as if he wanted to win the sympathies of the readers in favor of the fallen Titans. He makes us feel in our hearts the agony of Saturn, so much so that the reader himself shares with Saturn, the misery of his experience.

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