Oliver Twist: Story Book - Chapter 53, One Last Glance

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One Last Glance

      Fagin stood before the judge and jury in the crowded courtroom. The verdict was brought in to the breathless villagers-Guilty! Shouts of joy went up inside the courtroom and outside. He would die on the gallows Monday - in three days time.

      When Oliver heard the news of Fagin's hanging, he said a quiet prayer for the old man. Rose Fleming and Harry Maylie were married in the country church and enjoyed many years of happiness together, with all of Mrs. Maylie's blessing.

When Oliver heard the news of Fagin's hanging, he said a quiet prayer for the old man. Rose Fleming and Harry Maylie were married in the country church and enjoyed many years of happiness together, with all of Mrs. Maylie's blessing.
One Last Glance

      Mr. Brownlow arranged for the property of Oliver's father to be divided between Oliver and Monks. However, Monks squandered his share and soon returned to a life of crime. He died in a faraway jail.

      The other members of Fagin's gang also met unhappy endings. Only Charley Bates escaped from a life of evil and became a respectable citizen. Noah Claypole had helped the police capture Fagin, so he received a pardon and and remained free. But he never amounted to much in the world.


      Mr. and Mrs. Bumble lost their positions as heads of the workhouse and became so poor and miserable that they had to live as paupers ina the very same workhouse where they had once treated the orphans so badly.

      As for Oliver himself, he became Mr. Brownlow's adopted son and put his old life behind him forever. If Agnes Fleming could have looked down on him from Heaven, she would have been very proud of her son.

Proud of Oliver.....

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