Of Studies: by Francis Bacon - Summary and Analysis

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      Francis Bacon expresses that Of Studies "serve for Delight, for Ornament and for Ability". For delight Francis Bacon means once personal private education; for ornament he means in conversation between and among others, which Francis Bacon labels as "discourse". Studies for ability lead one to judgement in business and related pursuits. From bacon's perspective man with skilled experience can carry out plans and understand particular circumstances, but man who study are better able to understand Important political matters and know how to deal with problems according to their severity like "marshalling of affairs".

Bacon expresses that Of Studies "serve for Delight, for Ornament and for Ability".
Of Studies

      Francis Bacon encourages studies but at the same time, he wants that (i) too much study leads to laziness (i) if one uses once knowledge too often in conversation with others, then one is is showing off and (iii) to be guided solely by ones studies one becomes a a scholar rather than a practical man. Francis Bacon's argument about the value of studies is that studies are wonderful only if influenced by experience because a person's natural abilities are enhanced by studies, but studies without experience lead to confusion.

      According to Francis Bacon's tricky man condemn education; stupid man admire education; but wise men use education as their real world experience dictates. He wants the educated man not to use his education to argument unnecessarily with others not to assume that education always leads to the correct behaviour or understanding; not to use education merely to force on conversation with others. Rather Francis Bacon argues, education "some books are should be tested" should be read but their advice ignored; other books should be swallowed meaning ignored completely; and a few books are to be chewed and digested", that is understood perfectly and used to guide behaviour. In addition Francis Bacon advises that some books can be read but others, who take notes, and the notes can be substitute for reading an entire book but these books should be those that cover less important subjects.

      Francis Bacon comes back to addressing the effects of reading conversation and writing. He also says that if a man writes very little then he must have a huge memory to compensate for what he is not writing. If a man cannot converse properly then he must be very quick witted and if he doesn't read much he needs to be able to fake it to pretend that he knows more than the others

      History: Francis Bacon argues makes man wise, poetry, clever mathematics intellectually sharp, logic and rhetorics, skilled in argument. Farther Bacon believers that there is no problem that cannot be fixed by the appropriate study just as the the right physical experience cures physical illnesses. Every disorder of the mind has a cure for example if a man cannot use one set of facts to prove or illustrate the truth of an unrelated set of facts. Francis Bacon advises the study of law. Every defect in thinking can be cured by a form of study. Overall it was an excellent piece of writing I think the most interesting part is the way its constructed with a rhythm. I think it's important to follow the patterns and sometimes do a little deviation from it to bring the curiosity into the readers mind. Even though it is a little too elaborative about the various exercises to prevent diseases was not actually effective.

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